Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting systems are designed to reduce the panic that may begin following the activation of a fire alarm and assist in evacuation scenarios with low visibility caused by smoke, fire hazards and power failure.

If your commercial premises are small, or have a lot of light coming in from outside, you may not need to install emergency lighting in your building.

However if your premises are more complex, then you will almost certainly need to think about getting emergency lighting installed to meet regulations.

Where do I need emergency lighting?

There are 2 categories of emergency lighting – ’emergency escape lighting’ and ‘standby lighting’.  In this instance we are talking about emergency escape lighting (standby lighting is not a legal requirement and it’s up to the individual business if it has it at all).

Emergency escape lighting is used in 3 main areas:

Escape Routes: ‘escape route lighting’ illuminates exit routes and fire exit doors, and helps occupants to find their way out of the building if there’s a fire;

Open Areas: ‘open area lighting’ is also sometimes called ‘Panic Lighting’ and is designed to make sure that no communal areas are plunged into complete darkness, which could create panic.  It also helps occupants find their way to the start of an exit route.

High Risk Task Areas: ‘high risk task area lighting’ provides emergency lighting for people located in areas where they are involved in potentially dangerous processes, so they can ‘shut down’ safely.


A fire risk assessment ensures adequate emergency lighting is in place. Professional assessment considers factors like lighting differences, building use, and occupant risks.

Rooms with large windows and plenty of natural light may not need emergency lighting, but dimly lit areas like corridors or stairwells will.

Occupancy time matters too. Public buildings used at night always need emergency lighting, as visitors may be unfamiliar with the layout.

For staff-only buildings with clear escape routes, borrowed light may suffice. Small (up to 60 people) and medium (up to 300 people) buildings can use borrowed light, but larger buildings (over 300) require emergency lighting.

Emergency lighting should cover:

  • Exit doors

  • Escape routes and signs

  • Corridor intersections

  • Stairways and floor level changes

  • Windowless rooms

  • Toilets over 8m²

  • Safety equipment and lifts


Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order (FSO) 2005 says that the responsible person must ensure the safety of all occupants, which may include the provision of emergency lighting. The responsible person is legally accountable. This may be the owner, landlord, letting agent or property manager.

Article 14 (2) (h) of the RRFSO states: “Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in the case of failure of their normal lighting”.

The British Standard BS 5266-1: 2016 recommends the standard required, and EN 1838 governs the product standard that should be installed.

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Unit 4,

297-303 Edgware Road,